Frequently Asked Questions2022-11-03T12:45:51-04:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Walker Sports Innovations provides answers to your frequently asked questions regarding our products, services, shipping and more.

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Are there two different Hitzem baseball and softball size nets, one for a single and one for a double car garage door?2019-09-03T12:38:20-04:00

No. There’s only one Hitzem net and it will fit both a single and double car garage door.

Why do I have to pick single or double car garage door on the website?2019-09-03T12:39:34-04:00

Choosing a single or double lets us know if we should send a special attachment when hitting with the door closed.  If you pick a single no attachment is necessary.  If you pick a double, we will send attachment for free.

Can I use the same net for golf and baseball?2019-09-03T12:40:43-04:00

No, because the golf netting is different and the baseballs and softballs could damage the net.

How wide and tall is the Hitzem baseball / softball net?2019-09-30T12:41:13-04:00

7’8” wide x 8’ tall.

How wide and tall is the Hitzem golf net?2019-09-30T12:41:55-04:00

7’8” wide with protective wings that extend out 1 foot on each side.  The golf net has the necessary attachments that will extend up to 13 feet high.

Will the Hitzem baseball / softball net fit doors higher than 8 feet?2019-09-30T12:42:46-04:00

Yes, if your door is higher than 8 feet please call 727-420-0001 and we’ll send you an attachment that adjusts up to 13 feet.

Can I hit outside in with the Hitzem baseball / softball net?2019-09-03T12:48:46-04:00

Yes, the sock sleeve is reversible.

Can I hit outside in with the Hitzem golf net?2019-09-03T12:49:56-04:00

Yes, the sock sleeve isn’t reversible but you can easily unhook the net, reverse the net and reattach to the door.

How wide is the Storzem storage net?2019-09-03T12:51:11-04:00

37” x 21”.  The storzem nets extends to 46 inches so it fits your garage door.

How much weight will the Storzem net hold?2019-09-30T12:43:23-04:00

The Storzem net is made for lightweight objects so do not exceed 10lbs when using 1 or multiple nets.

Do I need tools to install the Hitzem net?2019-09-03T12:53:04-04:00

No tools are required to install your Hitzem net.

Do I need tools to install the Storzem net?2019-09-03T12:54:26-04:00

No tools are required to install your Storzem Storage net.

Customer Service 727-420-0001

Hang Hitzem Nets in the Garage, Basement or Porch

Don't let the weather stop you from swinging
Customer Service 727-420-0001
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